Friday, September 16, 2011

Turning 30!

So Tomorrow is my 30th birthday!!! Wow! I just don't feel 30, I mean I'm finally noticing the fine lines on my face around my smile and eyes makes me want to go back and tell myself WEAR SUNSCREEN!!!!! It used to be that pale white was in style but, when I was growing up being the west coast girl that I am having a nice bronze was in. I'm not promoting sun bathing because I totally believe in wearing sun block to prevent skin cancer. I am a sunblock Nazi now. Anyway I don't feel like I'm getting older except occasionally when stairs and I don't agree.
So what do I want for my 30s well I'd like to eventually start a family  but, that is still a few years out. Considering I just pulled up my roots only to lay them down again in San Diego, they aren't completely planted yet still in a pot so to speak. Lots of things to finish up in Sacramento, plus Mike needs to get down here. Hopefully things will even out and we'll  be on track to getting our lives started, I can't believe we've almost been married for a year! Some other things I'd like for my 30s are to get my professional life on track as well. I've been training for far to long at this point. Granted I did just move to a new facility so it will take some time to get rated. I'd also like to take some fabulous vacations to places like Italy, Turkey, Germany, France, England, Ireland, pretty much all of Europe. I'm thinking a country every year!! That will be my goal. I'm also hoping to learn a new skill and actually get good at it such as surfing or ocean kayaking. :) Anyway off to bed for me!!!
Happy Birthday to me!!

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